2023 (No) Sewing Goals

After a few years of failing to complete make nines even when I’ve modified them to fit my Modus Operandi, I think it’s probably time to abandon that principle once and for all.

I’ve sewn about 30-40 items in each of the last 3 years so I don’t need any encouragement to sew. I’ve tried variations such as #finishnine and #stashnine but they haven’t really inspired me or helped me to break my random way of sewing. Finishing UFOs will still be a target but the IG-friendly grid just doesn’t seem to motivate me.

I’ve decided that a commitment I really need to focus on is a time-limited goal. I’m beyond sewing for wardrobe needs – there are still a few gaps but if I’m honest, I am mostly sewing wardrobe wants and I could probably do with putting the brakes on. I think that sewing quickly and abundantly, while very gratifying, has actually limited my growth in some ways.

What I acknowledged last year is that:

  • I can plan (I actually enjoy the process) but I don’t commit to my plans;
  • I can’t resist challenges and competitions;
  • I can’t resist free fabric.

Which is why my initial plan for the beginning of this year is to not start anything new.

This won’t in any way mean I won’t be creating, however, I need to free my mind to do a few very specific things in order to develop my sewing in the direction I want it to go. I keep blathering on about fitting and I have made some improvements but I have always known that I want to go back to the books and work this through properly. I also know that I’m holding myself back because I have several items on my makes wish list that haven’t been made because I haven’t drafted the patterns for them and in order to do that I need blocks. Therefore my early-year plans are:

  • I want to draft a full set of pattern blocks for my current measurements
  • I want to work through Top Down Centre Out for my trousers

My chances of achieving these goals will be better served if I’m not constantly starting new projects. Aside from existing commitments, I’m not going to start anything new for the first quarter of this year, that means no challenges, no testing and no fabric reviews. I’m going to use that time to focus on making my blocks.

So in summary I’m giving myself three months to devote to improving my knowledge of garment structure and learning a new way of fitting trousers. I intend to revisit this in April and see how I’ve progressed. If I finish sooner, then Whey Hey, I’ll be using those blocks to make my next wardrobe update. As always this is a hobby, not a job so it’s a soft goal and maybe that’s a cop-out but I’m not going to beat myself up about it.

What is your plan for 2023, same old same old or will you shake it up?

About Elaine Batiste

I'm a teacher, a lifelong learner, a traveller, a maker, an adventurer and a 'want to do more' kind of gal.

9 Responses

  1. Good luck. Fitting is something I am trying to do better at. I haven’t done blocks. My strategy is to spend time on choosing items in that focus on whatever body part is eluding me… but then it must coordinate with something I own or get a coordinate.

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